Saturday, 30 May 2015

Dealing with Difficult People

The Above is the link to some writing by Ram Dass on how we can change perspective on dealing with those difficult people in our lives.


If somebody is a problem for you, it’s not that they should change, it’s that you need to change. If they’re a problem for themselves that’s their karma, if they’re causing you trouble that’s your problem on yourself. 

So, in other words when Christ is crucified, he says “forgive them, they don’t know what they’re doing”, they’re not a problem for him, he’s trying to get them out of being a problem for themselves, because he’s clear. 

Your job is to clear yourself. In ideal situations you would clear yourself within the situation, but very often it’s too thick and you can’t do that.

Now, what you do then is you pull back and you do the stuff you do in the morning or at night before you go to work, you do the stuff on weekends, you do the stuff that quiets you down and then each time you go into the situation to where you have to work, you lose it again. 

And then you go home and you see how you lost it, and you examine it, and then you go the next day and you lose it again, and you go home and you keep a little diary “how did I lose it today”, and you saw that, and then you go and you do it again, and after a while as you’re starting to lose it you don’t buy in so much. 

You start to watch the mechanics of what it is that makes you lose it all the time.

If I’m not appreciated, that’s your problem that you don’t appreciate me. 

Unless I need your love, then it’s my problem. So my needs are what are giving you the power over me. 

Those people’s power over you to take you out of your equanimity and love and consciousness has to do with your own attachments and clingings of mind. That’s your work on yourself, that’s where you need to meditate more, it’s where you need to reflect more, it’s where you need a deeper philosophical framework, it’s where you need to cultivate the witness more, it’s where you need to work on practicing opening your heart more in circumstances that aren’t optimum. 

This is your work. 

You were given a heavy curriculum, that’s it. 

There’s no blame, it’s not even wrong, it’s just what you’re given. You hear what I’m saying? It’s interesting. Can you all hear that one?

-Ram Dass, Summer 1989

John Matthews - Glyph

In this book John Matthews recounts his meetings and interactions with the Sidhe and reproduces in his book a glyph given to him to work with for meditation and connection to the other realms and higher frequency energies

This is also a symbol of Light, Protection and connection to the deeper inner landscape.

Earth Healing, Soul Symbols, Soul Art

Universal Symbols of Light & Protection

 A time to explore,


Your OwnSymbol 

Of protection, healing

This is a time to dream a new dream, and tell a new story that co-creates with the Source a New Earth that supports soul growth, the healing of the planet and the healing of humanity.

Come to a safe place and connect to others through meditation, sharing your story and expressing your Soul Light through painting.

Learn your own language of the soul and come to understand your archetypes, soul language and connect to your Guides.

We will begin with a meditation to ground and protect, and work with symbols and images to find what resonates for each of us. We will work with higher consciousness music to find that connection to our soul self. We will use the images and symbols that come to us to paint and explore our inner soul language.

We will finish with a meditation to re-remember our path as a Lightworkers engaged in healing ourselves, humanity and Mother Earth.

£5 or a donation

Thursday 4th June 2015

The White Room
The Bank Eye, Suffolk
7:30 – 8:45pm

£5 or a donation welcome