Just For Today I Will Live the Attitude of Gratitude
To be constantly in the mind space of gratitude is to live in abundance. When we feel thankful not only for what we have received, but also for what we trust and 'know' will be continually provided then we begin to magnetically attract abundance. This is the Law of Attraction at work, as we live each moment knowing that what we require to nourish our self, our being and our growth will manifest in our lives as naturally as we breathe.
The idea of abundance is at the root of most ancient belief and religious systems. Indeed in some ancient sacred texts that pre-date the New Testament gospels, Phillip quotes Jesus "...what you see, you shall become..." - This can be found in the Nag Hammadi texts. To understand one's own self, and to be self-aware, is to understand the God within, the Divine; by journeying deep within we can learn to transmute or change fear into love, ignorance into wisdom and lack into abundance.
If you focus upon what is lacking in your life, you are sending out the negative energy of lack and loss. This will naturally continue attract in the negative energy, and yet if you focus on abundance in all areas of your life, the abundance will manifest and increase in all areas of your life. To be truly in Gratitude is to know in heart, mind and soul, that All Is One, all is connected, and we are all part of One. There is no separation, from the Source/God/Divine - this is an illusion. We are all part of the Whole.
Remember that is important to accept the abundance that is rightfully yours, and is not a result of taking from another. If you feel deep within, subconsciously, that you are 'unworthy' of abundance and wealth you are placing an obstacle to the flow of abundance to yourself. Many healers, empaths, lightworkers feel that the nature of their work means they will never gain abundance or material wealth. This is an outdated belief system that must be released so that we can allow abundance to flow to us.
Each person is different, and it is important to find the cause of this outdated belief system so that it can be healed, released and transmuted. Then you may move forward into a state of abundance. In most cases the channels through which abundance and harmony usually flow are either underdeveloped or clogged with the detritus of self-doubt, negative beliefs about the self and 'martyr' energy. As you work with Reiki, the Universal Life Force energy will help clear those channels and open the person to the state where all is connected and abundance is aligned with the self and the Source.
There is a simple way to align with the life force in your area, originally from the Hermetic Sciences, using the Star Exercise.
You stand for 3-5 minutes with your feet apart, arms and hands outstretched - left palm up and right palm down. The Universal Life Energy enters your left palm, and flows through the heart and solar plexus area, charging your entire body, while the surplus flows out through your right hand. When practiced in the morning, you will feel energized. When practiced in the evening, a relaxing sensation is likely. When you have received a Reiki Attunement you may do the self treatments which will give you an amplified version of this exercise.
Once you have connected to this energy and you can feel or sense it flowing through your whole body, then you can focus your attention on feeling successful and living a life of abundance in all areas of your life.
The Universal Life energy will boost the channels of your Inner Self and open them to the inflow of this energy which will connect you to All That Is and so to all that you desire that is aligned with your highest good.
Next, you may make a step towards achieving your goals. Use only positive affirmations as success, abundance and prosperity flow towards positive energy - while using the Universal Life Energy will sustain and boost the power of your affirmations.
After attunement, you will find that self-treatment will clear away the old subconscious belief patterns and behaviours that block your flow of abundance and prosperity.