Each Thursday at 19:45 (BST/ GMT+1) we will be participating in a global focused meditation.
For beginners, simple meditation for 15 minutes will suffice.
For those with more experience, you may wish to connect to the other Lightworkers of Spirit Within; Earth Without, to send healing to our Planet.
A simple meditation with empowered visualization is detailed below:
Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and begin to relax.
Breathing in peace, and breathing out stress and tension.
Breathing in Peace
Breathing out worry and stress
Breathing in Healing
Breathing out negativity and tension
Breathing in relaxation
Breathing out the last remnants of stress, tension and
Allow yourself to feel a beautiful beam of the Source energy
entering the top of your head.
Let this beam flow down into your body, …. into every part
of your being.
Feel it flowing down through your head, and relaxing your
jaw as the energy flows down into your shoulders.
Dropping and relaxing your shoulders as the energy beam
flows down through your heart as it opens to allow Love to flow through your
The energy continues to flow down your spine bringing a
lightness of being to your body.
Feeling the energy flowing down into your hips,
Down into your thighs,
Down through your knees and your shins
Feel it filling your entire body, flowing into your feet
> and flowing down into the centre of the Earth.
At the centre of the Earth feel the presence of a huge
glowing crystal filled with positive energy and love for you.
See the beam of Source energy flow down into the crystal,
Harmonize with the energy and feel or sense the beam of
energy coming straight back up through the Earth,
Feel the warm of the beam beneath your feet as the energy
enters your feet and flows up into your body.
Feel this beautiful energy flow up into the soles of your
Into your knees
Up into your hips
Your chest
Your arms
Your throat
And your head.
Feel it filling your heart, and spreading out all around
Feel or sense it filling the room
Feel it spreading now to envelop your town,
Feel it spreading now to encompass your country,
And now feel it spread out to encompass the whole world.
See the whole planet held in a space of safety
Feel the love from your own heart flow out and take shape
around you
Feel yourself creating more and more of what you love in
your life,
And feel the earth’s
love supporting you in bringing your divine gifts into physical form
Feel yourself become centered
Feel yourself become grounded
Feel yourself become balanced
Feel yourself become whole
Now come back to your own heart and from that heart space
open and connect to the spirits of nature in all their many forms
Feel the beautiful pure life force within you
Feel the loving life force of the earth supporting you
And feel the wisdom and love the energies of nature all
around you
Feel yourself a vital part of this whole and take your place
in the creative tapestry of life that we are weaving together
Now take another deep breath and come back to this room, and
back to your body,
When you feel ready come back to your normal waking state.
Open your eyes when you feel ready.